The Counseling Guidance Technical Implementation Unit (UPT BK) Service provides psychological test services in the form of psychological tests (talents, interests, intelligence/IQ, personality) to identify one’s potential. This service is under the management of the Psychology Testing Sub Unit. 

This psychological test is given to students who are deemed necessary after receiving an initial assessment by a counselor/psychologist to support counseling actions or the selection of therapy needed by the client.  

 The Undiksha academic community can also use this psychological test service by paying a fee for the psychological test service. 

 The steps are as follows: 

  1. Clients come and register in the administration. 
  2. Initial interview and schedule for psychological test. 
  3. Implementation of psychological test 
  4. Examination of psychological test results by a psychologist. 
  5. Submission of psychological examination results to the Client. 
  6. Follow-up counseling, if needed. 
  7. Done.