Peer tutors are student representatives from each faculty who are tasked with assisting the work of counselors at the Counseling Guidance Technical Implementation Unit (UPT BK) Service. Students who have difficulty sometimes feel uncomfortable telling the problem to the lecturer. They can tell it to their Peer Tutor who will help find alternative solutions. To support their duties, Peer Tutors are provided with training in the basics of counseling and how to perform simple assessments or detect problems faced by their peers. 

Procedures for conducting Peer Tutor referral counseling: 

  1. Peer Tutors contact the Counselor or the administration of the UPT BK Services. 
  2. Peer tutors submit a form containing a case history and the actions that have been taken, or meet directly with the Counselor who will handle the case to report the case history in question. 
  3. Peer Tutors accompany Student Clients to the UPT BK Services to make counseling appointments. 
  4. The counseling process is ongoing. 
  5. Post-counseling mentoring process by Peer Tutors, if needed. 
  6. Done.